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Discussion related to midterm 1

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Possible formula sheet for exam 1 Add things or suggest items? Side note: the formula sheet on the practice exam seems to be suitable. Will we see something similar?

Question: When the ideal low pass filter has a cutoff of $ \frac{\pi}{6} $, what is the variable for rect(?)? Is it $ rect(\frac{6w}{\pi}) $?

Yes we know it's 202 material but we are getting old =D

I think the LPF is going to be $ rect(w)= rect(\frac{3w}{\pi}) $

Does anyone know what the trick is for doing 1A and 1c? I know there is a trick because doing integration by parts is just too damn long.

Back to ECE438 Fall 2010 Prof. Boutin

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Ph.D. 2007, working on developing cool imaging technologies for digital cameras, camera phones, and video surveillance cameras.

Buyue Zhang