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Lecture Schedule for ECE438, Fall 2010, Prof. Boutin

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Except for the exam dates, this is an approximate schedule. Updates will be made throughout the semester.

Part I: Spectral Analysis of 1D Signals
Week Lecture Day Date Material Covered Reading Lab Homework
1 1 Monday 08/23/10 Introduction to course See hw0
Introduction to lab
2 Wednesday 08/25/10 Signal types, characteristics, transformations 1.1.1-1.1.3 CT and DT signals
3 Friday 08/27/10 Special signals, complex, singularity fcts, comb and replication operations 1.1.4-1.1.7
2 4 Monday 08/30/10 Systems properties, Convolutions
1.2.1, 1.2.2
CT and DT signals
5 Wednesday 08/01/10   Frequency Response HW0 due 1.2.3
6 Friday 09/03/10 CT Fourier transform
3 Monday 09/06/10 Labor Day (no class)

DT systems
7 Wednesday 09/08/10 DT Fourier transform, HW1 due 1.3.3

8 Friday 09/10/10 Analysis of sampling 1.4.1
4 9 Monday 02/02/09 Relation between CTFT and DTFT 1.4.2 Frequency analysis
10 Wednesday 02/04/09 Sampling rate conversion, HW2 due 1.3.3 1.4.3
11 Friday 02/06/09 ZT derivation and convergence 1.5.1, 1.5.2

5 12 Monday 02/09/09 ZT properties and pairs 1.5.3
13 Wednesday 02/11/09 ZT and diff. equations, HW3 due 1.3.3, 1.5.4 Sampling and reconst.

14 Friday 02/13/09 Inverse ZT, response of LTI systems 1.5.5, 1.5.6
6 15 Monday 02/16/09 DFT derivation, properties, pairs 1.6.1, 1.6.2
Wednesday 02/18/09 Test One (in Class)
Part II: DT Systems and Applications
Friday 02/20/09 Spectral analysis via DFT 1.6.3
Monday 02/23/09 FFT 1.6.4
Wednesday 02/25/09 FFT, HW4 due 1.6.4
Friday 02/27/09 Circular convolution, one random variable 1.6.5., 3.1.1
Monday 03/02/09 two random variables 3.1.2
Wednesday 03/04/09 random sequences, HW5 due 3.1.3
Friday 03/06/09 Estimating distributions 3.1.4
Monday 03/09/09 Filtering random sequences 3.1.5
Wednesday 03/11/09 Estimating correlation functions HW6 due 3.1.6
Friday 03/13/09 Test Two (in class)
Monday 03/16/09 Spring Break (no class)
Wednesday 03/18/09 Spring Break (no class)
Friday 03/20/09 Spring Break (no class)
Monday 03/23/09 Models for speech, spectrograms 4.1.1, 4.1.2
Wednesday 03/25/09 Analog spectrum analyzer, speech characteristics 4.1.2, 4.1.3
Friday 03/27/09 Short time (ST) DTFT 4.2.1
Monday 03/30/09 Filter bank interpretation and efficient computation of STDTFT
Wednesday 04/01/09 HW7 due
Friday 04/03/09 Waveform reconstruction from STDTFT 4.2.2
Monday 04/06/09 Linear prediction- framework 4.2.3
Wednesday 04/08/09 Linear prediction- solution HW8 due
Friday 04/10/09 Linear prediction- exp. results
Monday 04/13/09 2D syst. and spectral analysis, special signals, CT FT
Wednesday 04/15/09 linear shift-invariant imaging systems HW9 due
Friday 04/17/09 Periodic structures, sampling and scanning
Monday 04/20/09 Image enhancement, grayscale information
Wednesday 04/22/09 Spatial filtering
Friday 04/24/09 Test Three (in class)
Part Four
Monday 04/27/09 Computed Tomography
Wednesday 04/29/09 Computed Tomography
Friday 05/01/09 Computed Tomography
Final Exam (Date and location TBA)

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