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When I was 9 years old, IBM XT 286 was appear in South Korea. My father bought it to me even though my family was not rich. My father barely graduated elementary school because South Korea was just after the Korean War when my father was young. My father has no knowledge about computer but he thought that I must learn computer. I learnt BASIC programming from the computer educational institute that is near my elementary school. In my home South Korea, IBM XT 286 is still there but it cannot work because I disassembled it when I was 13 years old. It’s a good experience for understanding the computer hardware but I cannot reassemble the computer. After I became middle school student, I quitted my enjoyment of playing computer. However, the experience that my father gave me remains as a valuable asset for my study and I can say that IBM XT 286 is the first step that makes me do "ECE".

When I was an undergraduate student, my major is ECE. My grade is excellent until I met electromagnetics. I was seriously concerned about my future just because of Electromagnetics. However, I found out that ECE contains various areas and I exclude the ECE areas related to electromagnetics. I researched the cell network simulator for WiMAX (image) when I was an undergraduate student. When I was graduate student in South Korea, my research areas are channel coding including Fountain code, video codec, and wireless communications(image). I think that I can enjoy my researches because there are lots of interesting research fields in "ECE".

Alumni Liaison

Basic linear algebra uncovers and clarifies very important geometry and algebra.

Dr. Paul Garrett