Revision as of 09:50, 12 May 2010 by Mboutin (Talk | contribs)

Graduate Studies in Mathematics

Message Area:

Want to tell the whole world "Why you math"? Want to win cash prizes?

Participate in Rhea's Essay Contest this summer!

Grad Reps

Your grad reps for 2009-2010 are:

Collective Projects

Discussion and Advice

About the Qualifying Exams for the PhD program

Expectations form for students in the PhD program passed the quals



  • PRIME: The Purdue Research in Mathematics Expericence.
  • B'Euler Society: An association of current/former Purdue math students and Faculty. Join today by emailing boilersociety@gmail, or get the latest news by visiting the B'Euler Society Facebook page.

Alumni Liaison

Recent Math PhD now doing a post-doctorate at UC Riverside.

Kuei-Nuan Lin