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Due to scheduling conflicts, no recitation session on this topic was possible, however; to assist students in understanding Image Processing, this RHEA informational page was created. The material covered in this page covers topics presented in ECE438 lecture from 16-30 November. This page attempts to present a very general overview of the image filtering process, an understanding of boundary conditions, and examples of linear and non-linear filters.

Image Processing:

Image Filtering: process to sharpen or smooth image

f(m,n) → h(x,y) → g(m,n)

f(m,n) → input image h(x,y) → filter g(m,n) → filtered image

To calculate g(m,n) → h(m,n) ** f(m,n) = ΣmΣn h(k,l) f(m-k, n-l) = ΣkΣl h(m-k,n-l) f(k,l) = ΣkΣl h_(k-m,l-n) f(k,l) where h_(x,y) = h(-m,-n)

Boundary Conditions:

Given a grid of pixels below, we are interested in determining a value for pixel(L) using the surrounding pixel values: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P

Several types of boundary conditions were discussed in lecture: FREE → filter image based only on pixels: {H, K, P}

TOROIDAL → filter image based on three surrounding pixels, and pixel from across image in the same row as L: {H, K, P, I}

REFLECTIVE → reflect pixel from inside image to outside boundary: {H, K, P, K}

SYMMETRIC → repeat edge row of pixels as boundary pixels: {H, K, P, L}

Examples of Image Filters:

Average filter: smoothes/blurs noise and edges.

1 2 1 2 4 2 1 2 1

h[k,l] = 1/16

Note: the averaging filter is separable:

1 2 1 2 4 2 1 2 1

¼ [¼ ½ ¼] ½ ¼

1/16 →

Since the filter is separable, H(u,v) = H(u) H(v)

If we Fourier Transform the filter, we discover that the filter is linear:

H(u) = Σ h(k)e-jku = ¼ e-ju + ½ + ¼ e-ju = ½(1 + cos(u))

Sobel Filter/Operator: detects edges in images. This operator returns a large response across edges, and no response when image is constant.

-1 -1 -1 /n -1 8 -1 /n -1 -1 -1 /n

h[k,l] = 1/9

Sharpening, using an Unsharpmask:

y[m,n] = f[m,n] + λ (f[m,n] - <f[m,n]>)

the component: f[m,n] - <f[m,n]> will mask the image with neighborhood average of pixels to extract variations in image.

f[m,n] + λ (variations): will add variations to sharpen original image.

How to calculate h[k,l]:

<f[m,n]> = ΣkΣl f[m+k, n+l] / (2M+1)2

where (2M+1) is the window size of the sample

g[m,n] = f[m,n] + λ (f[m,n] - <f[m,n]>) = f[m,n] + λ ΣkΣl h’[k,l] f[m+k, n+l] = ΣkΣl (δ[k,l] + λh’[k,l]) f[m+k, n+l]

the term: (δ[k,l] + λh’[k,l]) represents the filter – h_[k,l]

-λ/N2 -λ/N2 -λ/N2 -λ/N2 1 + -λ(1-1/N2) -λ/N2 -λ/N2 -λ/N2 -λ/N2

h_[k,l] =

Non-Linear Image Filters: We cannot convolve non-linear filters. An example of a non-linear filter is a ‘Median Filter’.

g(m,n) = median{f[m+k, n+l]}

If we look at the following set of pixels, we can easily determine the median, but the filter is not separable and therefore not linear:

4 2 100 3 1 5 8 7 6

Partial Differential Equation based image processing:

Consider an image that evolves with time (τ).

I(x,y,τ), where I(x,y,0) = fc(x,y)

according to the differential equation;

δI / δτ = δ2I / dx2 + δ2I / δy2

the solution for the evolved image is:

I(x,y,τ) = fc(x,y) ** (1/4πτ) e (–x2+y2/4τ)

and h(x,y) = (1/4πτ) e (–x2+y2/4τ)

further, we could discretize the equation to arrive at a linear time-invariant system

Perona-Malik Filter:

The Perona-Malik Filter attempts to remove image noise while not removing any significant parts of the image content:

a Perona-Malik Filter can be defined by the following function:

g[m,n] = f[m,n] + λ {ψ(f[m-1,n] – f[m,n]) + ψ(f[m+1,n] – f[m,n]) + ψ(f[m,n-1] – f[m,n]) + ψ(f[m,n+1] – f[m,n])}

examining the above equation, it is possible to determine that if no feature edge exists in the window then all Δf values will be small, and thus, ψΔf ~ Δf

in this case, the above equation can be rewritten as:

g[m,n] = f[m,n] + λ {f[m-1,n] + f[m+1,n] +f[m,n-1] + f[m,n+1] – f[m,n])}

which is simply an averaging filter.

however; if an edge is present, one (or more) Δf values will be large, and for large Δf, ψΔf ~ Δf . in this case, will resemble the average filter, but with one of the edge values equal to 0.

Alumni Liaison

Sees the importance of signal filtering in medical imaging

Dhruv Lamba, BSEE2010