clc; close all; clear all; [y,Fs,bits] = auread(''); x = y(:,1); clear y; N = length(x); time = [1:N].*(1/Fs); han = plot(time,x); xlab = xlabel('Seconds'); ylab = ylabel('Amplitude'); grid on; set(han,'LineWidth', 2); set([xlab, ylab],'FontSize', 24, 'FontName', 'Times'); set(gca,'FontSize',20,'FontName','Times','Fontweight','Bold') % wavwrite(x,Fs,bits,'test.wav'); [X,f] = centeredFFT(x,Fs); figure; han1 = plot(f,abs(X)); axis([-8000,8000,0,max(abs(X))]); grid on; xlab1=xlabel('Frequency(Hz)'); ylab1=ylabel('|X[k]|'); set(han1,'LineWidth', 2); set([xlab1, ylab1],'FontSize', 24, 'FontName', 'Times'); set(gca,'FontSize',20,'FontName','Times','Fontweight','Bold') % sound(x,Fs,bits); % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % fc = 2000; fNorm = fc / ( Fs/2); [b,a] = butter(10, fNorm, 'low'); x_Low = filtfilt(b, a, x); figure; freqz(b,a,bits,Fs/2); grid on; % sound(x_Low,Fs,bits); % wavwrite(x_Low,Fs,bits,'x_Low_.wav'); [X_LOW,f_low] = centeredFFT(x_Low,Fs); figure; han2=plot(f_low,abs(X_LOW)); axis([-.8e4,.8e4,0,max(abs(X))]); grid on; xlab2=xlabel('Frequency(Hz)'); ylab2=ylabel('|X[k]|)'); set(han2,'LineWidth', 2); set([xlab2, ylab2],'FontSize', 24, 'FontName', 'Times'); set(gca,'FontSize',20,'FontName','Times','Fontweight','Bold') figure; han3=plot(time,x_Low); grid on; xlab3=xlabel('Frequency(Hz)'); ylab3=ylabel('|X[k]|)'); set(han3,'LineWidth', 2); set([xlab3, ylab3],'FontSize', 24, 'FontName', 'Times'); set(gca,'FontSize',20,'FontName','Times','Fontweight','Bold') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%THIS IS A COOL CUSTOM FFT PLOTTING FUNCTION BY MATHWORKS%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % function [X,freq]=centeredFFT(x,Fs) % % %this is a custom function that helps in plotting the two-sided spectrum % % %x is the signal that is to be transformed % % %Fs is the sampling rate % % % % N=length(x); % % % % %this part of the code generates that frequency axis % % if mod(N,2)==0 % % k=-N/2:N/2-1; % N even % % else % % k=-(N-1)/2:(N-1)/2; % N odd % % end % % T=N/Fs; % % freq=k/T; %the frequency axis % % % % %takes the fft of the signal, and adjusts the amplitude accordingly % % X=fft(x)/N; % normalize the data % % X=fftshift(X); %shifts the fft data so that it is centered