Revision as of 16:25, 7 October 2009 by Austin1 (Talk | contribs)

I am having trouble constructing the diagram for number 1. Does anyone have any suggestions? -Mary

Me too. Does it have to be an equilateral triangle? Are the sides of DEF the actual median segments of ABC? Or just of equal length? Sue

It's kind of hard to explain without a picture. After constructing the main triangle and the medians of that triangle, make another point outside of the triangle. Then click on one of the medians and that outside point and construct a circle by center and radius. Now use the point (not the center of the circle) and choose another median and construct circle by center and radius. See if this gives you a start at least. Sorry-use the same center for the first two circle by center and radius, then pick a piont on one of the two circles and use that with the third median to construct circle by center and radius. Sorry for the confusion!!!!

I tried something else and this is neat, but not sure it is what is needed. Rather than use the medians (which go from vertex to midpoint), connect the midpoints to make a mini triangle inside the bigger triangle. A definite correlation in area there. Could this be what he wants? Makes more sense - Sue

Sue, that makes sense but it says in the instructions to construct a circle, so I think the other way is the correct way of doing it. -Jennie

Got it to work. I followed the new instructions above. Here was my trick. Measure the lengths of the medians on ABC and make sure you are making a new triangle DEF with those same lengths - Sue

Thanks, this helped out a lot! -Matt

I have number 5 done if anybody needs it. -Mark

Did you just use the theorem we found last night for number 5? - Dana

How do you go about proving number 5? Do we just try to prove that all of the triangles are congruent? -Brian

I am also stuck on pulling together #6 if anyone may make a suggestion. Thanks. -Jessica

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Francisco Blanco-Silva