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Course Outline

I. Introduction

  • Review of course policies
  • Why linear systems theory is important

II. Signals [OW 1.0-1.4]

  • Types - continuous time, discrete time, and digital [OW 1.0-1.1]
  • Transformations of the independent variable [OW 1.2]
    • Time reversal
    • Time delay
    • Time scaling
  • Signal Properties
    • Periodic signals
    • Even/odd signals
    • Energy
    • Power
    • Average value
  • Exponential Signals [OW 1.3]
    • Continuous time
    • Discrete time
  • Impulse and step functions [OW 1.4]
    • Discrete time
      • Relationship between impulse and step functions
      • Representation of DT signals with DT impulses (Sifting Prop.)
    • Continuous time
      • Definition of CT impulse [OW 2.5]
      • Relationship between impulse and step functions
      • Representation of CT signals with CT impulses (Sifting Prop.)

III. Systems [OW 1.5-1.6]

  • Input/output models for systems [OW 1.5]
  • System Properties [OW 1.6]
    • Review of formal logic [From notes/handouts]
    • Continuous time and Discrete time systems
    • Causal and noncausal systems
    • Memory and memoryless systems
    • Linear and nonlinear systems
    • Time varying and time invariant systems
    • Stable and unstable systems
    • Formal definitions of system properties

IV. Linear Time-Invariant Systems [OW 2.0-2.4]

  • Time domain analysis of linear systems [OW 2.0]
    • Discrete time systems [OW 2.1]
      • impulse function and impulse response
      • discrete time convolution
    • Continuous time [OW 2.2]
      • impulse function and impulse response
      • continuous time convolution
  • Properties for LTI systems [OW 2.3]
    • Memoryless
    • Causal and anticausal
    • Stable
  • LTI analysis of linear differential equations [OW 2.4]]
  • Complex exponential inputs to LTI systems [OW 3.2]

V. Frequency Analysis

  • Orthonormal Tranforms [From notes]
    • General analysis of orthonormal transformations
    • Functions as vectors
    • Innerproducts on functions
    • Parseval’s theorem for orthonormal transforms
  • Continuous time Fourier series (CTFS) [OW 3.0-3.3,3.5,3.8-3.9]
    • Derivation as orthogonal transform [OW 3.0-3.3]
    • CTFS examples
    • Properties of CTFS [OW 3.5]
    • LTI system analysis using CTFS [OW 3.8,3.9]
  • Overview of transforms we will cover [From notes and handout]
  • Continuous time Fourier transform (CTFT) [OW 4.0-4.8]
    • Derivation of tranform [OW 4.0-4.1]
    • The convolution property and LTI systems [OW 4.4]
    • CTFT properties [OW 4.3]
    • Transform pairs for aperiodic signals [See OW 4.6]
    • CTFT of periodic functions [OW 4.2]
    • Transform pairs for periodic signals [See OW 4.6]
    • Impulse train sampling [OW 7.1.1]
    • Systems characterized by linear differential equations [OW 4.7]
  • The DFT [OW 3.6-3.7]
    • Derivation as orthogonal transform [From notes and OW 3.6]
    • Example transforms
    • DFT properties and circular convolution [OW 3.7]
  • Discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT) [OW 5.0-5.1,5.3-5.6,5.8]
    • Tranform definition [OW 5.0,5.1]
    • DTFT properties [OW 5.3]
    • Transform pairs [See OW 5.6]
    • The convolution property and LTI systems [OW 5.4]
    • Systems characterized by linear difference equations [OW 5.8]

VI. Sampling and reconstruction [From Notes, OW Chapter 7]

  • Overview of sampling systems [OW 7.0]
  • Sampling
    • Relationship between CTFT and DTFT
    • Aliasing and the Nyquist frequency
  • Reconstruction
    • Relationship between DTFT and CTFT
    • Aliasing and reconstruction filters
    • Zero order sample and holds

VII. (Didn’t get to this) The Z-Transform [OW 10.0-10.7]

  • Definition of Z-transform
  • Region of convergence
  • The inverse Z-transform
  • More on the Z-transform
    • Left and right hand signals
    • Stable and unstable signals
    • Causal and anticausal signals
    • Z-transform properties
  • Analysis of DT systems
    • FIR systems
    • IIR systems
    • Stability analysis

[OW ] - Refers to Oppenheim and Willsky text

Alumni Liaison

Basic linear algebra uncovers and clarifies very important geometry and algebra.

Dr. Paul Garrett