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Guidelines for Student-led Recitations

In ECE438 this Fall semester, students are given the possibility to earn extra credit (up to 3% on course grade) by volunteering to lead a recitation on a specific subject covered in class. Here are the steps to follow.

  1. At the beginning of the semester, volunteer to present a subject by writing your name in the appropriate section on the ECE438 course page.
  1. Write a Rhea page summarizing the subject "in your own words".
  1. Lead a review session on the material covered in the previous week. (A TA will attend the session as an observer.) A room will be reserved for this purpose.
  1. After the review session, revise your Rhea page summarizing the material.

Note: The review session and original summary/outline must be completed before the deadline for the homework covering that week's material

You will be graded based on your effort and the quality of your Rhea page and your presentation.

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Alumni Liaison

Basic linear algebra uncovers and clarifies very important geometry and algebra.

Dr. Paul Garrett