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Class disruption response planning

In the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, deadlines and grading percentages are subject to changes that may be necessitated by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances. Here are ways to get information about changes in this course:

  • Our first means of communication will be the course page on Rhea, which is located here. the latest information will be displayed in the message area above the page.
  • Should you have any work to hand in during this period of time, you should proceed by uploading an electronic version of your work in the TA's dropbox, which is located here.
  • Should there be problems with the server running Rhea (for example in the case of a power outage), we will revert to email for communication. As Purdue's email access would then be likely affected as well, the plan is to rely on non-Purdue email accounts, such as gmail or yahoo. As part of the first homework assignment, you will be asked to send a non-Purdue email address to the TA and you will be given a non-Purdue email address to reach your TA and instructor.

Alumni Liaison

Have a piece of advice for Purdue students? Share it through Rhea!

Alumni Liaison