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Synchronous Demodulation ->

  Assume that $ w_c > w_m  $ and consider the signal: 
     y(t)=x(t)$ cosw_c t $  
  The original signal can be recovered by modulating y(t) with the same sinusoidal carrier and applying a low pass filter to the 
     w(t)=y(t)$ cosw_c $t 
         =x(t)$ cos^2 w_c $t
  Use the trig identity   
     $ cos^2 w_c $t=(1/2)+(1/2)$ 2cosw_c $t 
  We can rewrite as 
     w(t)=(1/2)x(t)=(1/2)x(t)$ 2cosw_c $t 
  In this process the demodulating signal is assumed to be synchronized in phase with the modulating signal.

Alumni Liaison

Prof. Math. Ohio State and Associate Dean
Outstanding Alumnus Purdue Math 2008

Jeff McNeal