Revision as of 08:43, 10 July 2009 by Huffmalm (Talk | contribs)

Rhea Help Manual

ECE 301 Rhea Page (Summer 2009)

This is the official course page for Landis Huffman's ECE 301 Section (summer 2009). Homework and course announcements will be posted here. This page is a Rhea page, which means that you, the students, will also post content to this page. The Rhea serves as a Wikipedia-like website for courses at Purdue. Our Rhea page serves as an open forum for collaboration, sharing, and overall discussion of any subjects relevant to ECE 301. To use the Rhea, select login from the "User" dropdown menu, sign in with your career account login and edit from the "Page" dropdown menu.

Course Details

Lectures Mon-Fri 9:50-10:50 in EE117

Instructor: Landis Huffman [huffmalm (at) purdue (dot) edu]

Office Hours: Mon 11:00-12:00, Tues 1:00-2:00, Weds 3:00-4:00

Grader: Avinash Thawani [athawani (at) purdue (dot) edu]

Course Details (pdf): course policies, syllabus


  • I created a page to encourage class-wide collaborative effort in making your Midterm Cheat Sheets. Add content to this page as you make your cheat sheet!
  • For preparation help for the exams, there will be extra office hours offered this week: Thursday and Friday 12-1 (in MSEE 176).
  • Solutions for Homework 3 have been posted.
  • What do you think of the proposed tuition rate for 2009-2010? - New discussion!
  • New featured page: Dear Dr. Cordova. Share your opinions with our president (and the rest of the world)!
  • Solutions for quiz 3 have been posted.
  • Details for the midterm have been posted on Exams/Quizzes page. Note there will be no quiz on July 10.



Course-Related Material


Juz 4 Fun

When it's spelled like that, you KNOW it's fun!

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