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%Tyler Mattmuller %hw2 close all clear all

x=input('Enter first array in brackets with commas: ') h=input('Enter second array in brackets with commas: ') m=length(x); n=length(h); X=[x,zeros(1,n)];  %padding with zeros will allow for convolution to be %preformed even if the second array is not the same size as the first array H=[h,zeros(1,m)]; for i=1:n+m-1 Y(i)=0; for j=1:m if(i-j+1>0) Y(i)=Y(i)+X(j)*H(i-j+1); else end end end Y %output convolved array %z=conv(x,h) %will be the same answer therefor it will have the same %functionality this works as the matlab does not distiquish between %stating times of the arrays given

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