Revision as of 16:57, 12 August 2008 by Mboutin (Talk | contribs)

I am a Purdue Instructor. How can I use the kiwi in my class?

There are many ways to use the kiwi as part of a course. Here are a few ideas:

  • Student teams can work together to type lecture notes. They can then use these notes as a skeleton on which to add comments, questions, relevant,links, etc.
  • individual students can write page summarizing relevant background material. While this helps them to brush up on the material, it also helps other students. Other students can then use the discussion page to point out mistakes or discuss the relevance of the material.

  • write page of practice exercises for certain computations/concepts. eg:

how to compute a fourier series, pose 5 questions.

  • type hw solutions on kiwi, with questions/comments (eg: 2 solutions, not

same answer, which is right?)

  • use discussion page to grade each others hw (discuss)
  • write pages that compare own solutions to uli's solutions
  • write matlab code to check answer
  • build glossary of useful terms
  • table of useful formulas/ideas/theorems
  • in groups, write solutions of the midterm
  • premidterm: in groups, discuss old exams, post solutions, i may comment
  • everyone post their solution to worst answered midterm question,

indicate grade to solution

Should I reward the students?

Rewarding the students with either bonus points or homework points is a good way to stimulate contributions and make your class kiwi quickly gain momentum. But whether or not this is necessary is debatable.

Alumni Liaison

EISL lab graduate

Mu Qiao