Revision as of 20:51, 1 May 2008 by Mboutin (Talk | contribs)

What I wrote on my Exam (and how many points I got)

The sampling theorem states that for a signal x(t) to be uniquely reconstructed, its X(jw) = 0 when |w| > wm, and the sampling frequency, ws, must be greater than 2wm

I got a 7/10 on this because I did not say what it is being reconstructed from. Also I used w because I did not know how to type omega in this file.

My Definition:

A signal can be recovered from sampling if

  • The Signal is bandlimited and the Sample Frequency ($ \omega_s $) is greater than $ 2\omega_{max} $ (maximum frequency)

                    $ \omega_{s}>2\omega_{max} $  

Recieved 9/10 Points because it is not clear if I meant $ 2\omega_{max} $ or $ \omega_{max} $ is the maximum frequency

My definition of the sampling theorem:

In order to sample a signal that can be recovered back into the original sample, the sampling frequency, $ \omega_{s} $ , must be more than twice the highest frequency of the signal, $ \omega_{m} $.

I got $ \frac{7}{10} $ on it because I forgot to say that the signal must be band limited.

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. 2007, working on developing cool imaging technologies for digital cameras, camera phones, and video surveillance cameras.

Buyue Zhang