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Decision Rule: A map from values of x to Ho or H1 if x E R, say H1 else if x does not contain R say Ho

Max-likelihood Rule:

Pick hypothesis that maxes conditional PDF

ML Rule: say H1 if fx|theta(x|theta1) > fx|theta0)

            H0 if fx|theta(x|theta1) <= fx|theta(theta|theta0)

Rml = {X such that fx|theta(x|theta1) > fx|theta(x|theta0}

Type I : Say H1 when truth is Ho Type II: say H0 when truth is H1

Probability of Type I : Pr(x E R|H0) Probablitiy of Type II: Pr(X E Rc|H1)

Alumni Liaison

Abstract algebra continues the conceptual developments of linear algebra, on an even grander scale.

Dr. Paul Garrett