Revision as of 09:21, 7 April 2009 by Norlow (Talk | contribs)

Are you for or against using the plus/minus grading system?

As you all know, the computer system that handles the grades is now capable of handling plus and minus grades. Professors have the option to use this system or not. I think we should have a large scale discussion about this so we know where everybody stands on this issue. --Mboutin 12:50, 26 February 2009 (UTC)

Let's discuss this below "forum style". --

  • I am neutral. I am a Professor and, personally, I don't really have a preference either way. Using the plus and minus system involves a little bit more work on the part of professors, but I don't really mind doing the extra work if this is what the students want. However I took a poll in my ECE301 class last semester and a vast majority of students were against using pluses and minuses. So I have not used that system yet. --Mboutin 12:59, 26 February 2009 (UTC)
  • I vote no +/-. I'm not much of a gambling man. The benefit if I were to get a B+ would be great, but the loss if I were to get an A- would be much more disappointing. --cg49me 13:29, 26 February 2009 (UTC)
    • I also vote no. I agree that using the +/- system is a gamble and, because the grade points of an A+ is the same as an A, it is a gamble in favor of the house. (aka it would be harder to get an 4.0 with the +/- system) --Jwromine 14:45, 26 February 2009 (UTC)
  • I think the +/- system should be modified. For students achieving within the A-range, the current system only offers a penalty (A-). At my alma mater (ASU), we introduced the +/- system, but had an option for an A+, which was worth 4.3 points. Cumulative GPA's were capped at 4.0. This provided a more representative distribution than either Purdue's +/- system or the straight A B C system --Srudolph 13:34, 26 February 2009 (UTC).
    • As stated above, getting an A- instead of an A can be a pain. I also think it's important to stay consistent with other schools, since the numerical GPA can sometimes have a fair amount of weight. --Norlow 14:25, 26 February 2009 (UTC)
  • I did not use +- last semester because it was the first time. I talked to some students and it appeared to me that they did not have strong opinions either way. Yung-Hsiang Lu (Professor).
  • I vote yes to the +/- system. Students work very hard for their grades and only five categories (A. B, C, D, F) can be used to describe their performance. Therefore, our current student quality representation scheme is too small. An ideal system will be to use percentages instead of grades. However, I think this approach is unnecessary. The bottom line is that I think the new +/- system is an improvement to the current system, because gives additional categories to grade students' performance. --Hsantosv 20:35, 26 February 2009 (UTC)
    • I agree with this statement. BUT... I disagree with the way it was handled. I don't think it was fair to make a change in the middle of my term here at Purdue. What SHOULD have happened, in my own opinion, is that they should have done the same thing they did with the change in requirements in the Science Department. If you had been enrolled in Purdue before a certain year, you have the option of having the old system or the new system. Once you are young enough where you have been housed under the new system, entirely, you don't get the choice. --websterm
      • I agree with this as well It is difficult to make this type of change in the middle of your term here at Purdue. I do believe this can be a great system once all the kinks are straightened out. The issue with the no A+ is a bit of a let down for a student who achieves such a grade. This has potential to be much better than it is now.--Asharpel 01:00, 27 February 2009 (UTC)
  • I think that a plus (+) system should be initiated but not a (+/-) because as a student, I feel I work very hard for my grades. I think that professors should give students (+)'s to show their hard work. I feel that (-)'s shouldn't be used because I feel it can play a negative affect on a student. The student works hard for his or her grade and having a (-) sign attached to the grade portrays a negative value. It is almost as if one is thinking 'that person received not just a B, but a B- !'. This isn't positive and I don't feel it benefits anyone. Thus I feel that the (+/-) system shouldn't be initiated but a (+) system should. -Kristen
  • For +/- : In the Fall I taught ECE 302 to 85 people. In the final grades, there was someone at virtually every point from 35 to 100. How does one draw the line between grades ? I think the +/- system mitigates the unfairness: previously someone with say 2 marks more would have got a full grade point higher.--User:sanghavi
    • I am one of Professor Sanghavi's students from last fall. Although the system has only hurt me (I have only gotten minuses and no pluses), I agree with what he has said, despite the negative impact it has had on my GPA. However, I still think that an A+ should be awarded to the top students, with a value of 4.3 or something like that, with the maximum cumulative GPA possible remaining a 4.0. It is unfair to not give the elite students an option of a plus. However, it would also be unfair to deny a straight A student the privilege of having a perfect GPA. I think my method would solve the problem, thus qualifying as a baller idea.--Vhsieh
  • I'm gonna say that I really don't like the plus/minus system. Because outstanding students who recieve a 97% or higher do not get an extra reward. If you are going to be punished for not getting a middle of the road A,B,C, etc. you should be rewarded for outstanding work. People may claim that it averages out to be a C average anyway because it is possible to get a D- which is below a 1.0 and more than a 0.0, which is true. But how many people who get a D- have to retake the class anyway, so this is not a very valid arguement. ---Aaron 18:07, 4 March 2009 (UTC)
  • I think a lot of times good ideas are not used in a proper way and brings bad results. +/- is such an example. Yes, it is ideal that we have an criteria that can differentiate everybody's work and achievement because everybody's is different. However, in practice it is not possible. This results in a lot of unjustifiable results which brings more unfairness. Last semester I was taking EPICS, I wasn't a leader of the team but I still put in quite some effort(well, as least compared to some people). At the end of semester I got an A-. Later I realized that nobody in my team got a worse grade than A-(including one guy who virtually did NOTHING). See, when results are unjustifiable, A- becomes a tool to make everybody happy. Therefore, I'm against +/-. --jgeng

  • I think I haven't seen one yet. Was this available last semester? Plus/minus is good. It allows differentiation when and if desired. It need not be used. notthe600
  • I did not use +- last semester because it was the first time. I talked to some students and it appeared to me that they did not have strong opinions either way. Yung-Hsiang Lu. (Moved from the category page --Norlow 13:21, 7 April 2009 (UTC))

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