Revision as of 16:49, 12 February 2009 by Sgrosenb (Talk | contribs)

Euclid a = qb + r with 0 <= r < b where a,b,q,r are integers

--ERaymond 12:26 29 January 2009 (UTC)

GCD: The greatest common divisor of two nonzero integers a and b is the largest of all common divisors of a and b.

LCM: The least common multiple of two nonzero integers a and b is the smallest positive integer that is a multiple of both a and b.

--Jmcdorma 12:16, 5 February 2009 (UTC)

Monomorphism: morphism for which phi(g) = phi(g') happens only if g = g'. (injective)

Epimorphism: morphism for which every element in target group H is hit. (surjective)

Isomorphism: morphism that is both injective and surjective.

The kernel of a morphism is the collection of elements in G that satisfy phi(g) = 1_H

--Sgrosenb 10:27 8 February 2009

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Prof. Math. Ohio State and Associate Dean
Outstanding Alumnus Purdue Math 2008

Jeff McNeal