Revision as of 18:45, 12 January 2009 by Cg49me (Talk | contribs)

My name is Dave, and this is my profile...

I'm graduating in May, and have a position secured at NSWC Crane naval base in southern Indiana as a radiation test engineer. I like to fool around with electronics in general, though I can never find the time to play around as much as I would like. I have a passion for paintball, but again, time has prevented me from enjoying many games since I started college (money is somewhat of an issue too).

I had Prof. Mimi for ECE 301, and she was great - very helpful, good at explaining complicated concepts. I can only imagine she'll be just as good with this course!


--Cg49me 22:40, 12 January 2009 (UTC)

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Dr. Paul Garrett