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Difference Equations

DT systems described by linear constant-coefficient difference equations are very important to the practice of signals and systems. They are of special importance when implementing filters. These equations are of the form:

$ y[n] + a_{0}y[n-n_{0}] + a_{1}y[n-n_{1}] + ... + a_{n-1}y[n-n_{n-1}] = x[n]\! $

Finding the Frequency Response from a Difference Equation

If we are given a system defined by a difference equation, it is possible to find the frequency response (actually it is quite simple to find the frequency response). An example of this is given below.


Find the frequency response of the following difference equation.

$ y[n] + 2y[n-1] - \frac{1}{2}y[n-3] + y[n-4] = 5x[n]\! $

$ y[n] + 2y[n-1] - \frac{1}{2}y[n-3] + y[n-4] = 5x[n]\! $

$ F(y[n] + 2y[n-1] - \frac{1}{2}y[n-3] + y[n-4]) = F(5x[n])\! $

$ Y(\omega) + 2F(y[n-1]) - \frac{1}{2}F(y[n-3]) + e^{-4j\omega}Y(\omega) = 5X(\omega)\! $

$ Y(\omega) + 2e^{-j\omega}Y(\omega) - \frac{1}{2}e^{-3j\omega}Y(\omega) + e^{-4j\omega}Y(\omega) = 5X(\omega)\! $

$ Y(\omega) (1 + 2e^{-j\omega} - \frac{1}{2}e^{-3j\omega} + e^{-4j\omega}) = 5X(\omega)\! $

$ Y(\omega) = \frac{5}{(1 + 2e^{-j\omega} - \frac{1}{2}e^{-3j\omega} + e^{-4j\omega})} X(\omega)\! $

Alumni Liaison

Sees the importance of signal filtering in medical imaging

Dhruv Lamba, BSEE2010