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Guess Signal

The signal is DT periodic with period of 4

$ x[1]=0 \, $
$ \sum_{n=2}^{10} x[n]= 8 $
$ \sum_{n=3}^7 x[n]e^{-j\pi n}=2 $

x[n] has min power among all signals that satisfy the above.


$ a0=\dfrac{1}{2T}\sum_{n=2}^{10} x[n] $
$ a0=1/8*8=1 \, $
$ \sum_{n=5}^7 x[n]e^{-j\pi n}=2 $ looks like $ ak=\dfrac{1}{N}\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x[n]e^{-jk2\pi n /N} $

N=4,so $ ak=\dfrac{1}{4}\sum_{n=1}^{4-1} x[n]e^{-jk2\pi n /4} $ for the exponent to be -j\pi n k has to equal 2,

$ a2=\dfrac{1}{4}\sum_{n=1}^{3} x[n]e^{-j\pi n } $

Alumni Liaison

Questions/answers with a recent ECE grad

Ryne Rayburn