Revision as of 06:25, 25 September 2008 by Blaskows (Talk)

A Continuous Time, Linear, Time-Invariant System

Consider the system $ y(t)=2x(t)-x(t-2) $.

Unit Impulse Response

Let $ x(t)=\delta(t) $. Then $ h(t)=2\delta(t)-\delta(t-2) $.

System Function

As discussed in class, the system function is

$ H(j\omega)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty h(\tau)e^{-j\omega\tau}d\tau $

In this case, we can apply the sifting property to arrive at the system function quite easily. After applying the property, we arrive at $ H(j\omega)=2-e^{-2j\omega} $. One might recognize this is the Laplace transform of the impulse response.

Response to a Signal from Question 1

I will use my signal from Question 1.

$ x(t)=7\sin(2t)+(1+j)\cos(3t)=\frac{1+j}{2}e^{-3jt}-\frac{7}{2j}e^{-2jt}+\frac{7}{2j}e^{2jt}+\frac{1+j}{2}e^{3jt} $

Since we have represented the original signal as a sum of complex exponentials, we simply have to multiply each term of the original input signal by $ H(j\omega) $ to obtain the corresponding term in the output.

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