Revision as of 10:18, 19 September 2008 by Jwise (Talk)


For a linear system we have:

$ e^{j2t} \rightarrow [system] \rightarrow te^{-j2t}\! $
$ e^{-j2t} \rightarrow [system] \rightarrow te^{j2t}\! $

To find the response of the system above we first note that

$ e^{j2t} = cos(2t) + jsin(2t)\! $

$ e^{-j2t} = cos(2t) - jsin(2t)\! $

We can use this to represent our input signal as follows:

$ cos(2t) = 0.5\times[cos(2t) + jsin(2t) + cos(2t) - jsin(2t)] = 0.5\times[e^{j2t} + e^{-j2t}]\! $

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