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A Linear Problem

For a given system,

$ e^{2jt} $ -> $ te^{-2jt} $


$ e^{-2jt} $ -> $ te^{2jt} $

What is the system’s response to $ cos(2t) $?


As a general answer, this system, for any input, multiplies the input by t and negates the independent variable. Or:

$ x(t) $ -> $ tx(-t) $

So, the system's response to $ cos(2t) $ is:

$ cos(2t) $ -> $ tcos(-2t) $

but, because cosine is an even function, the answer can also be written as:

$ cos(2t) $ -> $ tcos(2t) $

Alumni Liaison

Basic linear algebra uncovers and clarifies very important geometry and algebra.

Dr. Paul Garrett