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Memoryless System

A system is memoryless if for any $ t \in \mathbb{R} $ the output at $ t_0 \, $ depends only on the input at $ t_0 \, $(not past or future samples or informations).

For example: y(t)=2x(t),y(t)=t-1+x(t)

  • Question: Is y(t)=1 (or any constant number) memoryless?
--Personally I think it is, but it somehow violates the definition given in lecture. Since it doesn't even depend on $ t_0\, $)

System with Memory

A system is with memmory if for some $ t \in \mathbb{R} $ the output at $ t_0 \, $ doesn't only depend on the input at $ t_0 \, $, it also depends on past or future samples or informations.

For example, y(t)=x(t)+x(t-1), y(t)=t+1

Alumni Liaison

Questions/answers with a recent ECE grad

Ryne Rayburn