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Homework 3 Ben Horst: A  :: B  :: C

Formal Definition of Linearity

A system is linear if the following conditions are met:

 An input x1 yields output y1.
 An input x2 yields output y2.
 An input that is the sum of a*x1 and b*x2 yields output that is the sum of a*y1 and b*y2.
 a and b are any complex constants.

If these conditions are not met, the system is non-linear.

Formal Definition of Memoryless Systems

A system is memoryless only if it does not depend on the output of the signal at any other point in time. Example:

y(t) = x(t) + x(t-1) --> has memory

y(t) = x(t) + t - 1 --> memoryless (see that "t - 1" is a constant, not an input to a function)

Formal Definition of Causal Systems

A system is causal if the output at any given time only depends on the input in present and past. The system's output may NOT depend on the future. A memoryless system is by definition, also causal.

Formal Definition of A Time Invariant System

A system is time invariant if the following is true:

 For any x(t):
 x(t) -> |system| -> y(t)
 x(t - t_0) -> |system| -> y(t - t_0)

If this is not true, the system is not time invariant.

Formal Definition of A Stable System

A system is stable if and only if bounded inputs yield bounded outputs.

In dumbed-down math jibberish, that is: There exists some number (sigma) such that sigma's magnitude is greater than the input for all values of [t] ALSO There exists some other number (M) such that M's magnitude is greater than the output for all values of [t]

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