This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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liaison (Talk) (Translate) <Liaison>
http-bad-status (Talk) (Translate) There was a problem during the HTTP request: $1 $2
http-curl-error (Talk) (Translate) Error fetching URL: $1
http-invalid-scheme (Talk) (Translate) URLs with the "$1" scheme are not supported.
http-invalid-url (Talk) (Translate) Invalid URL: $1
http-read-error (Talk) (Translate) HTTP read error.
http-request-error (Talk) (Translate) HTTP request failed due to unknown error.
http-timed-out (Talk) (Translate) HTTP request timed out.
ignorewarning (Talk) (Translate) Ignore warning and save file anyway
ignorewarnings (Talk) (Translate) Ignore any warnings
illegal-filename (Talk) (Translate) The filename is not allowed.
illegalfilename (Talk) (Translate) The filename "$1" contains characters that are not allowed in page titles. Please rename the file and try uploading it again.
ilsubmit (Talk) (Translate) Search
image_sample (Talk) (Translate) Example.jpg
image_tip (Talk) (Translate) Embedded file
imageinvalidfilename (Talk) (Translate) The target filename is invalid
imagelisttext (Talk) (Translate) Below is a list of <strong>$1</strong> {{PLURAL:$1|file|files}} sorted $2.
imagemaxsize (Talk) (Translate) Image size limit:<br /><em>(for file description pages)</em>
imagenocrossnamespace (Talk) (Translate) Cannot move file to non-file namespace
imagepage (Talk) (Translate) View file page
imagetypemismatch (Talk) (Translate) The new file extension does not match its type
img-auth-accessdenied (Talk) (Translate) Access denied
img-auth-badtitle (Talk) (Translate) Unable to construct a valid title from "$1".
img-auth-isdir (Talk) (Translate) You are trying to access a directory "$1". Only file access is allowed.
img-auth-nofile (Talk) (Translate) File "$1" does not exist.
img-auth-nologinnWL (Talk) (Translate) You are not logged in and "$1" is not in the whitelist.
img-auth-nopathinfo (Talk) (Translate) Missing PATH_INFO. Your server is not set up to pass this information. It may be CGI-based and cannot support img_auth. See
img-auth-noread (Talk) (Translate) User does not have access to read "$1".
img-auth-notindir (Talk) (Translate) Requested path is not in the configured upload directory.
img-auth-public (Talk) (Translate) The function of img_auth.php is to output files from a private wiki. This wiki is configured as a public wiki. For optimal security, img_auth.php is disabled.
img-auth-streaming (Talk) (Translate) Streaming "$1".
img-lang-default (Talk) (Translate) (default language)
img-lang-go (Talk) (Translate) Go
img-lang-info (Talk) (Translate) Render this image in $1. $2
img-lang-opt (Talk) (Translate) $2 ($1)
imgfile (Talk) (Translate) file
imgmultigo (Talk) (Translate) Go!
imgmultigoto (Talk) (Translate) Go to page $1
imgmultipagenext (Talk) (Translate) next page →
imgmultipageprev (Talk) (Translate) ← previous page
immobile-source-namespace (Talk) (Translate) Cannot move pages in namespace "$1"
immobile-source-page (Talk) (Translate) This page is not movable.
immobile-target-namespace (Talk) (Translate) Cannot move pages into namespace "$1"
immobile-target-namespace-iw (Talk) (Translate) Interwiki link is not a valid target for page move.
immobile-target-page (Talk) (Translate) Cannot move to that destination title.
import (Talk) (Translate) Import pages
import-comment (Talk) (Translate) Comment:
import-error-bad-location (Talk) (Translate) Revision $2 using content model $3 can not be stored on "$1" on this wiki, since that model is not supported on that page.
import-error-create (Talk) (Translate) Page "$1" is not imported because you are not allowed to create it.
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Alumni Liaison

Abstract algebra continues the conceptual developments of linear algebra, on an even grander scale.

Dr. Paul Garrett