Revision as of 15:03, 5 September 2008 by Moellerb (Talk)

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Part A: Say What?

It sure sounds to me like he is saying: "I took my own life." However, I seriously doubt it was put in the audio file purposefully. Either way, it's pretty cool.

Part B: Matlab Code

%Ben Moeller
%ECE 301 Homework 1.2
%Play sound file backwards

x = wavread('jpforward.wav');
j = length(x);

for (i = 0:(j-1))
    y(i+1) = x(j - i);

%first at original frequency
wavplay(y, 41000);

%next at 1.25 x original frequency
wavplay(y, 41000*1.25);

%sure sounds to me like he said... "I took my own life"
%export the sound file
wavwrite(y, 41000, 'BMM1_2.wav');

.Wav File

Here is the link to my sound file: Sound_ECE301Fall2008mboutin

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