Revision as of 12:51, 4 September 2008 by Jkubasci (Talk)

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% Written by: Jeffrey Kubascik

% Sampling period
delta = 1/10000;

% Duration of the notes (beats)
Wn = 4;
Hn = 2;
Qn = 1;
dQn = 1.5 * Qn;
En = 1/2;
Sn = 1/4;

% Frequency of the notes (Hz)
C4 = 264; % Base to calculate all other frequencies

B5 = C4 * 15/8 * 2;
A5 = C4 * 5/3 * 2;
G5 = C4 * 3/2 * 2;
F5 = C4 * 4/3 * 2;
E5 = C4 * 5/4 * 2;
D5 = C4 * 9/8 * 2;
C5 = C4 * 2;
B4 = C4 * 15/8;
A4 = C4 * 5/3;
G4 = C4 * 3/2;
F4 = C4 * 4/3;
E4 = C4 * 5/4;
D4 = C4 * 9/8;
C4 = C4;
R = 0; % A rest (frequency=0 => sin(0)=0 => no sound, since it is constant)

% Song data
hail_purdue = [Hn,E4,  Qn,F4,  Qn,G4,  dQn,A4, En,B4,  Qn,C5,  Qn,C5, ...
               Qn,D5,  En,D5,  En,D5,  Qn,A4,  En,B4,  En,B4,  Hn,C5,  Qn,C5, Qn,R, ...
               Hn,C5,  Qn,C5,  Qn,B4,  dQn,A4, En,B4,  Qn,C5,  Qn,C5,  Qn,B4, En,F4, En,G4, ...
               Qn,A4,  En,G4,  En,E4,  Hn,B4,  Qn,B4,  Qn,R,   dQn,E4, En,E4, ...
               Qn,F4,  Qn,G4,  dQn,A4, En,B4,  Qn,C5,  En,C5,  En,C5,  Qn,D5, Qn,D5, Qn,A4, Qn,B4, ...
               Hn,C5,  Qn,C5,  Qn,R,   dQn,F4, En,G4,  Qn,A4,  Qn,F4,  Qn,E4, Qn,A4, ...
               Qn,C5,  Qn,E4,  dQn,F4, En,C5,  dQn,B4, En,A4,  Hn,A4,  Qn,A4, Qn,R];
% Generate the music waveform
y = generate_waveform(hail_purdue, 160, delta, 1);
% Create a wav file from the music waveform
wavwrite(y, 1/delta, 'hail_purdue.wav');

% Place the tune 2x faster (2x tempo)
y = generate_waveform(hail_purdue, 2*160, delta, 1);
% Create a wav file from the music waveform
wavwrite(y, 1/delta, 'hail_purdue_2xfast.wav');

% Scale the frequency by 2
y = generate_waveform(hail_purdue, 1*160, delta, 2);
% Create a wav file from the music waveform
wavwrite(y, 1/delta, 'hail_purdue_2xfreq.wav');


function waveform = generate_waveform(song, tempo, delta, freq_scale)

% Generate the music waveform
y = [];
length = size(song) / 2; % Number of notes in the array

for index = 1:length(2);
    duration = 60 / tempo * song(index*2 - 1); % Duration of the note
    frequency = song(index*2);                 % Frequency of the note
    % Create a time vector
    t = 0:delta:duration;
    % Create the sound wave form
    % Here, I have modified the sin wave to decay linearly.  This helps
    % distinguish each note, and also prevents any "jumps" in the waveform
    % i.e. the end of note ends with a non-zero value, and the next note
    % starts at zero.  This creats a "tick" noise.
    x = sin(2*pi*frequency*t*freq_scale) .* (1 - t/duration);
    % Append the note to our music waveform
    y = [y x];

waveform = y;

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