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Outline Introduction Derivation Example Conclusion

Introduction Hello! My name is Ryan Johnson! You might be wondering was a slecture is! A slecture is a student lecture that gives a brief overview about a particular topic! In this slecture, I will discuss the relationship between an original signal and a continuous time sampling of that original signal. We will also take a look at how this relationship translates to the frequency domain. Derivation Example Conclusion So the relationship between X(f) and Xs(f) is that Xs(f) is a a rep of X(f) in frequency domain with period of and magnitude scaled by . the relationship between X(f) and Xd(ω) is that Xd(ω) is also a a rep of X(f) in frequency domain with period 2π and magnitude is also scaled by , but the frequency is scaled by 2πT

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. on Applied Mathematics in Aug 2007. Involved on applications of image super-resolution to electron microscopy

Francisco Blanco-Silva