Media: jpbackwards_ECE301Fall2008mboutin.wav This file is at the original sampling frequency. Media: jpbackwards70sampling_ECE301Fall2008mboutin.wav This is at 70% the original sampling frequency. The message is a bit more clear.
The message is a bit difficult to make out, but I believe he is saying I took my life.
Matlab Code
%Joseph Mazzei ECE 301 HW1 Problem 2 %Clear Console and all Variables clc clear all %Get a vector of the wav data and the sampling frequency [foward,fs] = wavread('Jpforward.wav'); %Play the wav forwards sound(foward,fs); %Reverse the wav data vector backward = flipud(foward); %Write a wav of the backwards data at the original sampling frquency wavwrite(backward,fs,'jpbackwards.wav'); %Play the wav backwards at original sampling frequency. sound(backward,fs); %Write a wav of the backwards data at 70% the original sampling frquency wavwrite(backward,fs*.7,'jpbackwards70psampling.wav'); %Play the backwards file at 70% original sampling frequency. sound(backward,fs*.70);