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% Hetong Li( % ECE301 HW1.2 % Date:09/02/08

%Read the wav file in matlab fs=44100;%sample frequency [jp,fs,bits]=wavread('jpforward.wav'); wavplay(jp,fs);%forward version pause(1)

jpbak=flipud(jp); %reverse the signal wavplay(jpbak,fs);%play the reversed version pause(2) %Slow version with half frequency slowfs=fs/2; wavplay(y,slowfs); pause(3) %fast version with doubled frequency fastfs=fs*2; wavplay(y,fastfs);

%The forward message is "Beyond the realm of death". %The backward message is "I took my life".

Alumni Liaison

Basic linear algebra uncovers and clarifies very important geometry and algebra.

Dr. Paul Garrett