Revision as of 22:05, 12 November 2008 by Mcwalker (Talk | contribs)

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How to log in

Select "log in" under the "User" tab above. Then enter your Purdue Career account and password. If you would like to contribute content anonymously, please contact the student development team (kiwi@ecn.purdue dot you know what) to request a pseudonym.


How to create a new course

There are two ways to create a new semester+instructor specific course page on Rhea.

  • The easiest way is to click the "Create a new course page" link in the right side-bar and follow the instructions. Please feel free to then add your course page to the course list.
  • Alternatively, you can simply create a new page dedicated to this course. It is best to use a descriptive title like "ECE112Fall08MarySmith" when creating the page. Please feel free to then add your course page to the course list. Note that we use categories to tag pages based on the course they are associated with. Thus when creating a new course, you need to define a new category. Please choose a unique, descriptive name for the course's category (such as XYZ123SmithFall2009). This category should then be added to every page that belongs to that course (This would look like [[Category:XYZ123SmithFall2009]] in the source code of the page. Note that the "Create a child page" link takes care of that automatically.) On the Category:XYZ123SmithFall2009 page, you can add links to more general categories that relate to this course, like [[Category:XYZ123]]] and [[Category:Smith]]]. This is a bit complicated so using the previous method is recommended.

For the text of your course page, you can follow this simple new course template, or this even simpler one. If you have created another template, please feel free to link it here.

Note that anybody with a career account can create a course page. By courtesy, we suggest that students notify their instructor before creating a Rhea page for a class.

How to type Math Equations

How to type math equations and symbols on Rhea

To type in math symbols on Rhea, use latex code in between math tags as follows:
<math>Insert formula here</math> 

To view what to type in for math commands, hit Page| View Source, or Page| Edit. One example: $ f_1(t)=\int_3^t \sin (x) dx $. If you chose "Page, View Source", you would see <math>f_1(t)=\int_3^t \sin (x) dx</math>

Some examples

Some of the most common examples are listed below. To view a comprehensive list, check out some of these off-site links.

Basic text

Suppose that $ f(x) $ is a continuously differentiable function on $ [a,b] $. Let $ N $ be a positive integer and let $ M=\text{Max}\ \{ |f'(x)|: a\le x\le b\} $. Define $ R_N $ to be the the right endpoint Riemann Sum

Sums, integrals, and fractions

$ R_N = \sum_{n=1}^N f(a+n\Delta x)\Delta x $ where $ \Delta x = (b-a)/N $, and let $ I=\int_a^b f(x)\ dx $.

We shall prove that the error, $ E=|R_N-I| $ satisfies the estimate, $ E\le \frac{M(b-a)^2}{N} $.

Trig, dy/dx and triple integrals

$ \frac{1^5}{\sin(\pi)} $

$ \iiint_{F}^{U} x^2+y^3+\sqrt[7]{z}\, d\theta\,dr\,dz $


$ \begin{bmatrix} 80 & a & b \\ x_3 & b^3 & \sin(\pi) \end{bmatrix} $

Multi-line Equations

You can align multi-line equations as follows.

$ \begin{align} \bar f(x) &= \oint_S g(x) dx \\ &= \int_a^b g(x) dx \\ &= \frac{\mu_0}{2 \pi a \cdot b} \end{align} $

How to fix tiny type.

Just wanted to point out that a number of one-line functions will render all tiny and ugly unless you go to "My Preferences" at the top of the page, click the "Math" tab, and select "Always render PNG." This will prevent your browser form simply showing you some formatted text instead of rendered, full-size math equations. If

$ y = 4x^2 -3x+1 $

makes you call your eye doctor, then check it out.

--Jmason 16:03, 2 October 2008 (UTC)

Thank you very much for the advice. I was wondering how to stop it from doing that!! - Gary Brizendine II

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Ph.D. 2007, working on developing cool imaging technologies for digital cameras, camera phones, and video surveillance cameras.

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