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Homework 5, ECE302, Spring 2013, Prof. Boutin

Due in class, Monday March 4, 2013.

As usual, homework 5 consists in handing in the solutions of the exercises that were assigned after each lecture. This time, there are no textbook exercises: all exercises are practice problems which you are free to discuss openly on the wiki. Note that the only feedback you will get are the TA's and Instructor's comments to the solutions written by students. In particular, we will not procide any "official solutions" to these problems.

Hand in a hard copy of your solutions in class. Make sure to include a cover page and to staple all the pages together. Write legibly and clearly. Put the problems in order. Do not write on the back of the pages. Do not use paper torn out of a spiral book. Thank you very much.

List of Questions:


Please post problem specific questions directly on the corresponding Rhea page. Use the space below only for general homework related questions.

  • Post question/comment here.
  • Post question/comment here,

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