Revision as of 10:09, 22 January 2012 by Sstrege (Talk | contribs)

Do you have questions for Joe Myer, our guest speaker?

Write them below.

Note: Please read this page on "how to address speakers" before posting your questions.

  • Mr. Myer,

Is it expected to aquire a Master's degree (or beyond) in order to receive higher promotions? And if so, which Master's degrees are recommended or looked highly upon? -Seth Strege

  • How have you applied what you have learned in school at the workplace? - Yang Zhou
  • What do you wish you had done before graduating to better prepare yourself for the work force? - Jeff King
  • Dear Panel, what are some of the things you have done in school that were helpful in your career? Are there anything you wish you had done before graduating? Katie Kitamura
  • etc.

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To all math majors: "Mathematics is a wonderfully rich subject."

Dr. Paul Garrett