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Discrete Fourier Transform

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Discrete Fourier Transform Pairs and Properties (info)
Definition CT Fourier Transform and its Inverse
Discrete Fourier Transform $ X [k] = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x[n]e^{-j 2\pi \frac{k n}{N}} \, $
Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform $ \,x [n] = (1/N) \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} X[k] e^{j 2\pi\frac{kn}{N}} \, $
Discrete Fourier Transform Pairs (info)
x[n] $ \longrightarrow $ $ X[k] $
name $ type signal here\ $ $ type transform here \! \ $
name $ type signal here \ $ $ type transform here $
Discrete Fourier Transform Properties
x[n] $ \longrightarrow $ $ X[k] $
multiplication property $ x[n]y[n] \ $ $ write DFT here $
convolution property $ x(t)*y(t) \! $ $ X(f)Y(f) \! $
time reversal $ \ x(-t) $ $ \ X(-f) $
Other Discrete Fourier Transform Properties
property $ type math here $

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Alumni Liaison

has a message for current ECE438 students.

Sean Hu, ECE PhD 2009