Revision as of 09:21, 26 August 2011 by Yuanb (Talk | contribs)

Simplify this summation

$ \sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty n \delta [n]  $

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Answer 1

The answer is 0 ?

Instructor's comment: Yes, it's zero. Can you justify your answer? -pm

Answer 2

The delta function is zero everywhere except when n=0 and since we are multiplying the delta by n the answer would thus be 0.

Instructor's comment: Yes, that's the idea. Now can you justify your answer "in math" instead of "in words"? -pm

Answer 3

The answer is zero since impulse function is 0 everywhere except n = 0.

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Sees the importance of signal filtering in medical imaging

Dhruv Lamba, BSEE2010