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Homework 4 collaboration area

Problem 7 hint:

$ e^{\pm f(z)} $

Problem 10 hint:

Parametrize the circular part of the boundary via

$ C_r:\quad z(t)=Re^{it}, 0<t<\pi/4. $

You need to show that

$ I_R := \int_{C_R}e^{-z^2}\ dz\to 0 $

as R goes to infinity. You won't be able to use the standard estimate to do this. Write out the definition of the integral to find that

$ |I_R|\le\int Re^{-R^2\cos(2t)}\,dt $

and use freshman calculus ideas to show that this integral tends to zero. (Don't hit it with the big stick, the Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem.)

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Sean Hu, ECE PhD 2009