Revision as of 07:54, 19 January 2011 by Bepp (Talk | contribs)

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%Global Variables

Gfreq = 2^(-2/12)*440; %Frequency of a G

Bbfreq = 2^(1/12)*440; %Frequency of a B flat

Cfreq = 2^(3/12)*440; %Frequency of a C

Dbfreq = 2^(4/12)*440; %Frequency of a D flat

delta = 1/8192; %Sampling Frequency

bpm = 112; %Beat per minute

bps = bpm/60; %Beats per second

Qnote = 1/bps; %Length of a quater note in seconds

Qlength = 0:delta:Qnote; %Array for a quater note

Elength = 0:delta:Qnote/2; %Array for an eighth note

DQlength = 0:delta:Qnote*1.5; %Array for a dotted quater note

Hlength = 0:delta:Qnote*2; %Array for a half note


GQnote = sin(2*pi*Gfreq*Qlength); %G with a quater note length

BbQnote = sin(2*pi*Bbfreq*Qlength); %G with a quater note length

CDQnote = sin(2*pi*Cfreq*DQlength); %G with a quater note length

DbEnote = sin(2*pi*Dbfreq*Elength); %G with a quater note length

CHnote = sin(2*pi*Cfreq*Hlength); %G with a quater note length

Erest = 0*Elength; %G with a quater note length

Hrest = 0*Hlength; %G with a quater note length

SotW = [GQnote,BbQnote,CDQnote,GQnote,BbQnote,DbEnote,CHnote,GQnote,BbQnote,CDQnote,BbQnote,GQnote,Erest,Hrest];


sound(SotW,1/delta) %Regular speed

wavwrite(SotW,1/delta,'Smoke Regular'); %Regular speed

Qnote = 1/(2*bps); %Length of a quater note in seconds

Qlength = 0:delta:Qnote; %Array for a quater note

Elength = 0:delta:Qnote/2; %Array for an eighth note

DQlength = 0:delta:Qnote*1.5; %Array for a dotted quater note

Hlength = 0:delta:Qnote*2; %Array for a half note


GQnote = sin(2*pi*Gfreq*Qlength); %G with a quater note length

BbQnote = sin(2*pi*Bbfreq*Qlength); %G with a quater note length

CDQnote = sin(2*pi*Cfreq*DQlength); %G with a quater note length

DbEnote = sin(2*pi*Dbfreq*Elength); %G with a quater note length

CHnote = sin(2*pi*Cfreq*Hlength); %G with a quater note length

Erest = 0*Elength; %G with a quater note length

Hrest = 0*Hlength; %G with a quater note length

SotW = [GQnote,BbQnote,CDQnote,GQnote,BbQnote,DbEnote,CHnote,GQnote,BbQnote,CDQnote,BbQnote,GQnote,Erest,Hrest];


sound(SotW,1/delta) %Twice the Speed

wavwrite(SotW,1/delta,'Smoke Twice Speed'); %Twice the Speed

Qnote = 2/bps; %Length of a quater note in seconds

Qlength = 0:delta:Qnote; %Array for a quater note

Elength = 0:delta:Qnote/2; %Array for an eighth note

DQlength = 0:delta:Qnote*1.5; %Array for a dotted quater note

Hlength = 0:delta:Qnote*2; %Array for a half note


GQnote = sin(2*pi*Gfreq*Qlength); %G with a quater note length

BbQnote = sin(2*pi*Bbfreq*Qlength); %G with a quater note length

CDQnote = sin(2*pi*Cfreq*DQlength); %G with a quater note length

DbEnote = sin(2*pi*Dbfreq*Elength); %G with a quater note length

CHnote = sin(2*pi*Cfreq*Hlength); %G with a quater note length

Erest = 0*Elength; %G with a quater note length

Hrest = 0*Hlength; %G with a quater note length

SotW = [GQnote,BbQnote,CDQnote,GQnote,BbQnote,DbEnote,CHnote,GQnote,BbQnote,CDQnote,BbQnote,GQnote,Erest,Hrest];


sound(SotW,1/delta) %Twice the Length

wavwrite(SotW,1/delta,'Smoke Half Speed'); %Twice the Length

[Beatles,Fs] = wavread('Beatles.wav'); %Creating an array of the Beatles Song

Bealtesrev = flipud(Beatles); %Reversing the Song


wavwrite(Beatlesrev,Fs,'Bealtes song backwards');

%Fowards is Number Nine and reverse is Turn me on dead man

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. 2007, working on developing cool imaging technologies for digital cameras, camera phones, and video surveillance cameras.

Buyue Zhang