Revision as of 12:20, 10 January 2011 by Mboutin (Talk | contribs)

Lecture 1 Blog, ECE301 Fall 2010, Prof. Boutin

Monday January 10, 2011 (Week 1) - See Course Schedule.

In the first lecture, we covered the syllabus and the course wiki. In particular, I pointed out the ECE301 Peer legacy page. We then proceeded with the course introduction where the basic notation for CT and DT signals and systems were introduced. The Enigma machine was given as an example of a DT system (processing messages written as a sequence of numbers), and the toilet paper roll was given as an example of a DT system (processing speech signals).

The main goal of this lecture was to clarify the course policies and get everybody excited about signals and systems!

Action items before the next lecture:

Relevant Rhea Pages

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