Revision as of 11:11, 19 November 2010 by Haddada (Talk | contribs)

What is a bounty?

A bounty is a way to attract programmers to develop software to address a particular challenge by offering a sum of money for the first programmer who successfully writes code that addresses this challenge. If you are a Rhea user and would like to have a certain feature enabled, please list it here. The Rhea team will select the most desirable features and pool money together to offer bounties for Purdue students to develop this feature. The Motorola Foundations has provided money for software bounties this year, and we are grateful for their support.

To be notified of all new bounties, become a fan of Rhea on facebook.

Unclaimed Bounties

Bounties Coming-Soon

  • Bonus for Creating Video/Screencast and Rhea page as documenation/howto of your Bounty.
  • Open Roar Proposition - will be due by Dec 1.
  • Survey System - Possibly a media wiki extension
  • Group Calendar

Claimed or Closed Bounties

This section contains a list of bounties that have already been claimed, along with the names of the students who received the money.

  • 4-1-2010 Login Bounty This bounty is now closed. Unfortunately, no Purdue student was able to solve the problem.

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Alumni Liaison

Abstract algebra continues the conceptual developments of linear algebra, on an even grander scale.

Dr. Paul Garrett