Revision as of 08:01, 21 October 2010 by Mboutin (Talk | contribs)

Rhea Section for MA 35100 Professor Kummini, Fall 2010

Course Information

Section 003 9:00-10:15 TTh REC 122

Section 004 3:00- 4:15 TTh REC 225

Homework Discussion

Hw8 Discussion

Cross-Campus Discussion

  • Hello all! The students in ECE438: "Digital Signal Processing" (DSP) will be talking to you this semester. We hope you do not mind this intrusion in your class wiki. DSP is a course mainly taken by students in electrical engineering, and linear algebra is extremely important for electrical engineers! We will try to tell you why below, and we hope that you will be able to help us with our linear algebra problems.

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Alumni Liaison

has a message for current ECE438 students.

Sean Hu, ECE PhD 2009