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Homework 5 collaboration area

4.4 Problem 7. Can anyone provide some guidance on finding the Eigenvector for the imaginery eigenvalues in this problem? I am stuck trying to get the matrix to row reduce.

Re: 4.4 Problem 7: First you get the matrix that represents the differential equation: [[0 -2],[8 0]]. Solve the determinant for det(A - Lambda*I) = 0 = Lambda^2 + 16. Then solving for lambda, we obtain purely imaginary eigenvalues. When plugging in the eigenvalues, the trick to row reducing them (to get a bottom row of 0's) is to multiply by "i" and then divide out the constants (be careful to note that i^2 = -1). This should get you the eigenvectors.

4.4 Problem 11. Does anyone have advice as to how this problem should be approached? It isn't a system of equations, so how do we get the eigenvalues/vectors?

Reply: Say that y = y1, and y2 = y1'. Then, you will have a system.

So on this problem, the constant they give is "k".. Coming from an Engineering background I assumed this is a spring constant (i.e. always real). However, should we approach this problem in subcases (assuming "k" is not a spring constant)? In that case would we have to do case 1 = k is real, and case 2 = k is pure imaginary, and case 3 = complex? Or am I over-thinking it?

Reply: Based on the examples we have done in class, I don't think you are over thinking it. However, the book only lists one answer so I think going with the spring constant assumption should be fine (Prof. Bell will want to confirm).

My issue with this problem is I don't understand how to obtain hyperbolas and the given equation. I can get solve for y1 an y2 just fine, but from there Im stuck. I would assume some kind of substitution would lead to the answer but Im not having any luck.

Reply: Page 143 example 3 and 4 demonstrate how the book generates their solution... though the problem don't formally ask for this so I wonder if Prof. Bell wants us to do this?

4.5 Problem 1. What do we do about the y2 + y2^2? Specifically the square?

Reply: factor our the y2: y2(1+y2). Set the function equal to zero (to find the critical points).

So you should get two solutions(y2 = 0 and y2 = -1). To find the corresponding values of y1, set the second function (3 y1 = 0, and solve). The two critical points should come out to be (0,0) and (0,-1).

The next thing you'll need to do is linearize the system at the critical points. The problem is asking for the eigenvalues of the linearized system at the critical points and what they imply about the stability of the solutions near the critical points.

More on P. 150 # 7: Towards the end of Lecture 11 we were given the general solution of a linear system with complex eigenvalues, but Im a little confused as to why the book does not have c1 or c2 listed in the solution. Any thoughts? Thanks.

Reply: Aren't A and B also constants? Then using a c1 and c2 terms as well seems a bit redundant... -Just my thoughts

4.6 Problem 9: Can you explain the critical points here. I do not understand why we don't get a (0,0) critical point for the y1' term, and I am really stuck on the critical point for y2'.

Reply: The reason (0,0) isn't a critical point is because cos(0) ~= 0. After you turn the ODE into a system you should have x1' = x2 and x2' = -cos(x1). Then solving this system is just like previous problems.

General question: When solving a homogeneous system with complex eigenvalues, we obtain two solutions per eigenvalue. Im confused how we obtain a general solution. In lecture 12, we did an example at the beginning of class and came up with two complex eigenvalues: -1 +/- i. We determined the eigenvector for -1+i and wrote down the general solution. Why did we not analyze the second eigenvalue?

Test #1 sample problem question: I don't understand how to start problem #2 in the sample problems. Any direction?

Set 4.6 #3: If we try $ \vec{y_p} =\vec{a}.\vec{y}+\vec{b} $ and substitute it in the given system, we'll get a system of 2 equations with 2 unknown vectors ($ \vec{a} $ and $ \vec{b} $). Each vector has 2 components, so that's 4 unknowns. But we only have 2 equations. How do we solve it? To get the same answer as the book gives, we need to set $ a_1 = 0 $ and $ b_2 = 0 $, but why?--Bpavlov 16:22, 26 September 2010 (UTC)

Reply: If you write the problem out you will notice that $ y_2' = -4*y_1 + 5 => b_1 = -4*a_1*t - 4*a_0 + 5 $ therefore $ a_1 $ must be 0. You can then use this to solve the rest of the variables in the two equations.

Question: What is $ a_0 $ in your reply? Maybe this is why I can't understand it..Thank you.--Bpavlov 22:04, 26 September 2010 (UTC)

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