Revision as of 06:31, 13 April 2010 by Huang94 (Talk | contribs)

On April 1st, the Purdue Student Chapter of SIAM host the second inter-disciplinary Computational Science and Engineering Student Conference at Purdue. The conference highlighted the breadth of computational science and engineering research that is being done across the different departments. The students participating this conference showed how the modeling and numerical techniques that they used were being applied in other disciplines. Here are some of the posters presented on the conference with topics related to interdisciplinary research in CSE.

  • High Performance Computing For the Rapid Generation of Digital Terrain Model From LIDAR Data by Jinha Jung and Darion Grant

                                                 Poster Jinha Darion 1.jpg

                                                                               Click File:Jinha Darion HPC LIDAR DTM.pdf to view the pdf file for more detail.

  • Solution Methods for Overdetermined Systems of Polynomial Equations with Application to Signal Registration by Shanshan Huang, Ji Zhang and Mireille Boutin

               Poster SSH 1.jpgPoster SSH 2.jpg

                                                                                Click File:Poster.pdf to view the pdf file for more detail.

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