Revision as of 06:10, 12 August 2009 by Mboutin (Talk | contribs)

Project Rhea

Student-drivenTM learning

Rhea is a Purdue-wide online learning resource developed "for students by students". The goal of Rhea is to enable students to teach each other the material they learn as well as the connections between the material and with outside applications. Anybody in the world can browse the content of Rhea using a web browser. Anybody with a Purdue career account can log into Rhea and contribute content. To connect this content with the "real world", research labs, companies and Purdue alumni are invited to become "liaisons" and personally share their perspective with the students through Rhea (see right side-bar). Rhea is developed by a team of student volunteers. Many classes on campus are actually using Rhea as part of the course. Like the student population it serves, Rhea is an evolving tool. We invite you to follow the news to be informed of the latest features added to Rhea.

Some Useful Features

  1. Latex Equations. Use latex code to write equations. Detailed instructions can be found here.
  2. Syntax Highlighting for Code Display. Look at this page for an example.
  3. Dropboxes for easy electronic file (e.g., homework) collection or personal file storing. Click here to view the content of your personal dropbox or access other people's dropboxes. (You must be logged in to use this feature).
  4. Liaisons connect students with alumni, industry, technology, and research.
  5. Short cuts for creating course pages and child pages. Look at the right side-bar!
  6. View recent changes for a specific course or a specific category. Here is how.

Alumni Liaison

Questions/answers with a recent ECE grad

Ryne Rayburn