Revision as of 21:17, 16 March 2008 by Vmshah (Talk)

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Convolution of Unit Step Function:

 To take a convolution, first determine whether the system is CT or DT and use the correct formula. Next it's time to simplify. Originally the bounds are set to negative and positive infinity. The unit step function will determine the new set of bounds. Consider the following unit step function as an example: <img alt="tex:u(2t-1)" style="vertical-align: middle;" />. This function will be a zero as long as $ (2t-1)style=vertical-align: middle $ is less than 0. Solve for t and apply the new bounds. Next its time for the real work!

Convolution of Delta Function:

 Consider $ \delta(ax+b)style=vertical-align: middle $. Simplify this convolution by solving for when the delta function is set to one. (This is when the <img alt="tex:(ax+b)" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> is equal to zero). That is the only value of the integration or sum, so replace t accordingly and solve.

Alumni Liaison

Questions/answers with a recent ECE grad

Ryne Rayburn