Revision as of 14:43, 29 March 2008 by Ynimmaga (Talk)

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Image Matching:

* Maximum likelihood estimates can be used in image matching (edge template matching and gray-level image matching). This can be applied to stereo matching and feature tracking.  More about this topic can be found here ... [1]
* Maximum likelihood can also be used in image reconstruction or restoration. Surprisingly, I found the usage of this in compression artifact removal also. See this paper [2]

Face Recognition:

* Fisher Linear Discriminant (FLD) is widely used in face recognition. Here is a paper for reference: [3]. Also variants  of FLD are used for face recognition such as DiaFLD [4]. It has been observed that FLD works better than Principal Component Analysis in classifying the facial features.

[Face detection vs Face recognition]

Image Segmentation:

* Image Segmentation is performed by conventional graphical methods, but many a times, some pixels not belonging to the same object are classified into the same segment. Also, in images where a wide background is separated by a thin boundary line, image segmentation can be performed by obtaining features from FLD. I experimented this personally and found that the results are better than the conventional methods. This paper gives a starting point in doing this [5].

Alumni Liaison

Questions/answers with a recent ECE grad

Ryne Rayburn