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Question A - Periodic Signals Revisited

I chose to use the CT (continuous time)periodic signal: y(t) = cos(t). The signal can be expressed as both periodic and non-periodic in DT (discrete time).

Discrete Time, Non-Periodic: Cos[n] is non-periodic in discrete time whenever it isn't sampled at $ \pi $, $ 2\pi $, or $ 0.5\pi $ (or any other multiple of $ 2\pi $). In other words, if it doesn't satisfy the equation: a[n + T] = a[n] for an integer T, then it is not periodic.

Discrete Time, Periodic: Cos[n] is periodic in discrete time when it is sampled in intervals of $ 2\pi $ (such as: $ \pi $, $ 2\pi $, or $ \pi/2 $). When sampled at this rates, it satisfies the equation: a[n + T] = a[n] for an integer T.

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Prof. Math. Ohio State and Associate Dean
Outstanding Alumnus Purdue Math 2008

Jeff McNeal