Revision as of 16:22, 4 September 2008 by Rwijaya (Talk)

Energy Calculation for function $ y = \sqrt(x) $

$ P = \int_0^1\ \! |\sqrt(x)|^2 dx $
$ P = \int_0^1\ \! |x| dx $
$ P = {1 \over 2} * 1^2 - {1 \over 2} * 0^2 $
$ P = {1 \over 2} $

Average Power Calculation for function $ y = \sqrt(x) $

$ P = {1 \over {1 - 0}} \int_0^1\ \! |\sqrt(x)|^2 dx $

Alumni Liaison

Prof. Math. Ohio State and Associate Dean
Outstanding Alumnus Purdue Math 2008

Jeff McNeal