Revision as of 13:56, 4 September 2008 by Phscheff (Talk)

Sound Files and Lyrics

Original. Reverse. Reverse Slow.

In the reverse version he appears to say "This life of mine". In the half speed reverse version you can make a the words "Take this life of mine".

Matlab Code

<prv> %Paul Scheffler %ECE 301 HW1-1.m

clear clc

%Open the provided file [data,fs,nbits]=wavread('jpforward.wav');

%Play the file fprintf('Playing original') wavplay(data,fs);

%Reverse the file rdata=flipud(data);

fprintf('Playing reverse'); wavplay(rdata,fs); wavwrite(rdata,fs,nbits,'jpreverse.wav');

%Slow it down down down down down(YEAH! you push it.) fprintf('Playing reverse + slow'); wavwrite(rdata,fs/2,nbits,'jpreverseslow.wav'); wavplay(rdata,fs/2); </prv>

Alumni Liaison

Recent Math PhD now doing a post-doctorate at UC Riverside.

Kuei-Nuan Lin